Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator



Apache Yarn – “Yet Another Resource Negotiator” is the resource management layer of Hadoop.


The root of all problems was the fact that MapReduce had too many responsibilities. It was practically in charge of everything above HDFS layer, assigning cluster resources and managing job execution (system), doing data processing (engine) and interfacing towards clients (API). Consequently, there was no other choice for higher level frameworks other than to build on top of MapReduce.


The ResourceManger [2] is the master daemon that communicates with clients, tracks resources on the cluster and assigning tasks to NodeManagers.

ResourceManger has two main components: 1. Scheduler 2.Application Manager. The scheduler basically decides where the Application master will run and where these containers will be scheduled. The Application Manager manages running ApplicationMasters in the cluster, i.e., it is responsible for starting application masters and for monitoring and restarting them on different nodes in case of failures.

A NodeManager is a worker daemon that launchers and tracks processes spawned on worker hosts. The NodeManager will track its own local resources and communicates its resource configuration to the ResourceManager

Container is an important YARN concept. We can think of containers as request to hold resources(CPUs and Memory) on the YARN cluster.

For each running application, a special piece of code called an ApplicationMaster[3][4] helps coordinate tasks on the YARN cluster. It negotiates resources from the ResourceManager and works with the NodeManager

Execution Overview:

  1. The application starts and talks to the ResourceManager of the cluster.

  2. The ResourceManager makes a single container request on behalf of the application and the ApplicationMaster runs within that container.

  3. The ApplicationMaster requests subsequent containers from the ResourceManager that are allocated to run tasks for the application. The tasks do most of the status communication with the ApplicationMaster [1]

  4. Once all tasks are finished, the ApplicationMaster exits. The last container is de-allocated from the cluster.

[1] When the application is running, the RM is not in the loop at all. The AM directly communicates with the client and the containers it runs, which means if the RM were to crash, your application will just keep running.

[2] In analogy, it occupies the place of JobTracker of Hadoop v1.

[3] more of a generic and efficient version of TaskTrackerIn contrast to fixed number of slots for map and reduce tasks, the NodeManager has a number of dynamically created resource containers. There is no hard code split available into Map and Reduce slots as in Hadoop v1

[4] If a tasks(container) fails, the AM is responsible for updating its demand to compensate.

Final notes:

1.When the ResourceManager is able to allocate a resource to the ApplicationMaster, it generates a lease that the ApplicationMaster pulls on a subsequent heartbeat. A security token associated with the lease guarantees its authenticity when the ApplicationManager presents the lease to the NodeManager to gain access to the container.

The ApplicationMaster heartbeats to the ResourceManager to communicate its changing resource needs, and to let the ResourceManager know it is still alive. In response, the ResourceManager can return a lease on additional containers on other nodes, or cancel the lease on some container

2. The Scheduler inside the RM has a pluggable policy plug-in, which is responsible for partitioning the cluster resources among the various queues, applications etc. Depending on the use case and business needs, administrators may select either a simple FIFO (first in, first out), capacity, or fair share scheduler. (http://www.corejavaguru.com/bigdata/hadoop-tutorial/yarn-scheduler)

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