Deep Dive into the Spark Scheduler

Disclaimer: Most of the content is based on Xingbo Jiang's talk in Spark Summit 2018.


RDD Objects:

In this phase, RDDs will be translated into stages. For example:


  • Implement stage-oriented scheduling

    • Compute a DAG of stages for submitted jobs

    • Keep track of materialized RDD/Stage outputs

    • Find a minimal schedule to run the job

  • Stage -> TaskSet

    • TaskSet is a set of tasks submitted to computing missing partitions of a particular stage

    • A stage can correspond to multiple TaskSets


  • DAGScheduler submit set of tasks to TaskScheduler

  • Schedule and monitor tasks with SchedulerBackend.

  • Return events to DAGScheduler

    • JobSubmitted/JobCancelled

    • MapStageSubmitted/StageCancelled

    • CompletionEvent

  • How to schedule tasks(TaskSets)?

    • Batch scheduling approach

      • Get all available slots

      • Schedule tasks with locality preference

    • Barrier Scheduling Approach

      • Wait until all task in the same TaskSet can be scheduled at the same time

      • Retry all tasks in the TaskSet if any task fails

  • How to schedule tasks in a TaskSet?

    • Try to achieve better locality for each task(This locality-aware scheduling is implemented via delay scheduling)

      • Less data transfer over network

      • Higher performance

    • Locality can have different levels

      • Process Locality(Cache/Memory)

      • Node Locality(Local Disk)

      • Rack Locality(Same Rack)

  • SchedulingBackend is responsible for resource management

// Delay Scheduling in Psedo-code
When a heartbeat is received from node n:
    if n has a free slot then:
        compute maxAllowedLocality for pending tasks
        if exists task t can launch on n with locality <= maxAllowedLocality:
            launch t
            update currentLocality
        else if waitTime > maxDelayTime:
            launch t
        // Wait for next round of scheduling 

Handling Failures:

  • Task Failure

    • Record the failure count of the task

    • Retry the task if failure count < maxTaskFailures

    • Abort the stage and corresponding jobs if count >= maxTaskFailures

  • Fetch Failure

    • Don't count the failure into task failure count

    • Retry the stage if stage failure < maxStageFailures

    • Abort the stage and corresponding jobs if stage failure <= maxStageFailures

    • Mark executor/host as lost(optional)


  • A container for executors

  • Executors provide

    • Threads to run Tasks

    • BlockManager to store/serve blocks

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